Course Notes
Course Test

Getting Started | Aliases | /msg and /echo | Identifiers
If-Then-Else | Variables | Pop-Ups | Remotes

     And it's remote time.  Remote's are my favorite scripts, as they can combine features of aliases, plus adding other features, and you can create self contained scripts.  There is a ton of stuff that you can do in remotes, so we'll just scratch the surface with the basics.
     If you go to your Remote section ( or alt-R, just pressing the button might take you to the users or variables section, so you might have to click the remote tab), it will be completely empty.  What remote sections are used to do is to execute a set of commands when another person does something, which might be them saying something, joining a channel, kicking someone, or quitting.  There are a total of 62 remote triggers, a full list is in the mIRC help file.  We'll concentrate on when someone says something, you can explore the other triggers on your own.  (Note: If you want to test out these scripts, you'll need to get someone to say the triggers,  if I'm on #wingxiii, I'll do it)

on 1:TEXT:hello:#:/msg $chan hello $nick

     Now, there's a lot of characters here.  It's all separated by : (colons).  The first part is who can do it.  on 1 means anybody can trigger the script.  (the numbers are access levels and have to do with users sections, not important right now).  Different triggers may have different systems (example, ctcp 1).  The second part designates what type of the 62 triggers is being used, in this case TEXT.  The third section is the trigger text, in this case hello.  The fourth section for this trigger is what channel it's done on, in this case it is any channel # (If this was #wingxiii, only someone saying hello on #wingxiii could activate the trigger).  The final part is what happens when the script is triggered, in this case you say to the channel <nick> hello nick.  Ask someone to say hello on the channel and see what happens.
     If you want the script to react to a part of what someone says, you can use a universal replacement * (asterisk).  Basically, it will ignore any characters where the * is.  So if the trigger text were *hello*.  It would be triggered by hello, or hello all, or hey hello all, or alkfahlhfhellolkafhoaw.  So as long as the text within the * is there, it is triggered.  (a * can be put anywhere, including in between words).  This can be useful when you want to react to something someone will say, but may not be the only thing they say.
     $1 and the other identifiers we used earlier can be used too.  $1 will be the first thing someone says, $2 the second and so on.  (NOTE: Be careful when you use these, as they are technically illegal on EH channels, just don't annoy anybody or abuse them)
     These remote triggers can also be used to execute an alias, just make the commands be a /trigger in your alias window.  Remote scripts by themselves are pretty simple, but there is other things you can do in the remote window.  The most important is aliases.  If you want to make an alias in the remote window, you type alias.  So instead of:

/athing {
blah blah blah
blah blah blah

it will be:

alias athing {
blah blah blah
blah blah blah

     This should be enough information to get you started scripting, and make some useful stuff.  If you ever need help with something e-mail me.

    Well, that's the end of the scripting course, I hope you found it fun and you learned some stuff.  If you come across any problems with the course (typos, messed scripts) e-mail  I would like to apologize for the mediocre web designing, it'll get better soon, trust me :P.
     This course has only given you the basics to scripting in mIRC.  Each part seems a bit simple, but when you put the stuff you learned in this course together, you can make some good scripts.  There is still so many more things.  This course has just scratched the surface.  You can find a lot out about it in the mIRC help file.  If there is interest in a second version of this course, I might make another with some more advanced features.
    So, thanks for taking the course, and be sure to take the test.