Exam Hints |
Here are some hints to help with your exams (Based on Frequent requests from writers.
- Remember to take into account the # of points - If a question is worth 3, I'm looking for more than a question worth only 2 points.
- Completely expand Acronyms. If I as for a definition, I dont want to see another Acronym in the answer.
- Dont expect this exam to be a Cakewalk -- Its not!
- Remember this course deals with Basic concepts - more in depth course(s) are being developed to address certain specific areas of computing
- For the Essay Question (Q15) - there are 12 Specific Item Descriptions I am looking for, many of which are more specific to the Needs of the described Client.
- What I am NOT looking for are Specific products/brands of Items.
- - If this was a Gaming machine, Dont give me a "Saitek XYZ Joystick"
- - Rather Provide "High Precision Gaming Joystick
- Remember you must include the Unique Tools of the Clients Trade
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