I Took another LOA due to RL and family matters... Returning on June 28th.
Question 15 of the Exam has been updated for Clarity.
Another Graduate, this time with a score of 94!!.
I returned on the 13th. -- 2 more exams marked, and a new graduate added
I have added Some Exam Hints - Seen on the Course Exam Page (Not the actual EXAM itself
I have submitted A Change to Q15 of the exam to make it clearer.
Some Errors fixed, and the First 2 new Graduates Posted!
I will be out of town until the 13th. -- Dont expect me to Mark any Exams till then.
The last few days, Major changes have been made:
- Colouring scheme slightly modified
- Links are even easier to identify
- Added more titles and lots of definition formats
- A new Menu has been added for navigation at the Bottom
- New format for Graduates list (Includes Date, Mark, and PIN with link to profile)
Lots of New Content has been added:
- Expanded [Processor and Memory] to 4 pages, and a Picture was added
- Expanded [Data Storage] to 4 pages,
- Added a Size table for Bytes, with Metric/SI and Binary/IEC Prefixes, along with an explanation
- Expanded [Input and Output] section to 4 pages
- Added many more devices, and included pictures of the common connections, and their uses
Updated Exam has been submitted for Approval - Now based on 50 Point Scale.
Added a Comment Question (1 pt) to allow for additional feedback to the Professor!
Development of CBX/2, is well under way
LC Zystem Fryar
Click to see my Profile
New Prof, Minor Updates - 2006-05-09
As the Neew PROF for the CBX course, I have made Minor Uupdates to colouring.
A few more revisions will be made in the next week...
Keep an Eye out for A CBX/2, and other Related courses in the coming weeks
LC Zystem Fryar
Click to see my Profile
Course Update (Again) - 5/08/2005
While I have been CBX professor for quite a long time, I have only just gotten FTP access to the server/site so yeah. I know absolutely nothing about PHP and this entire site is PHP - hence a problem. I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Admiral Vladet Xavier
CBX hits 400 - 12/14/2001
From LC Judge: Finally! I didn't think 400 would ever come around, especially after how fast I hit 350.
CBX Course Hits 350 - 9/18/2001
The IWATS Computer Basics Course has recently hit the milestone of 350 graduates. Thanks for your interest and efforts.
CBX Course hits 300 Grads! - 8/15/2001
Since reopening the CBX course a very short time ago, it has had an exceptional turn out of graduates. Thank you to all who have taken this course and help in reaching this momentous milestone.
CBX Hits 250 Grads! - 7/16/2001
The Computer Basics Course has just reached the milestone of 250 graduates. Thank you to all who have taken the course and passed the exam.