Introduction Blaster Theory Blasters Slugthrowers Grenades Melee Weapons Other Weapons Course Exam |
A myriad of small arms are available in the galaxy
ranging from simple sticks and stones to advanced energy weapons and
molecular explosives. Not all weapons fit neatly into one category or
another. Some utilize different power sources or fire a different
type of projectile from the weapons previously presented in this course.
Familiarization with non-standard weapons is vital if personnel are to
properly defend themselves, as standard-issue ordnance is not always
available. The following are just a few examples of what may be
encountered during one's service to the Emperor's Hammer. The Velocity 7 Dart Shooter is one of several dart gun types. Shaped and operated like a traditional blaster or slugthrowing pistol, the Velocity 7 uses compressed air to hurl toxin-filled darts up to 100 meters, although optimum range is limited to 10 meters. Prized as an assassination tool, the darts are nearly silent, accurate, and deadly. Pictured above the gun is a Kaminoan Saberdart, which was commonly used with this model. The darts are capable of carrying any biomedical payload from nerve toxins, to tranquilizers for live capture. The Merr Sonn CR-24 Flame Rifle fires streams of flaming gel up to 10 meters, literally setting targets on fire. The flammable gel mixture burns for several minutes, even after total immersion in water, making this a feared battlefield weapon. Sustained fire will incinerate most targets. While unsuitable for long range engagements, the CR-24 is perfect for the close fighting room clearing encountered in urban warfare. Enough gel for 25 bursts is contained within a belt pack worn by the user. A small tube runs from the belt pack to a fitting just beneath the rifle's barrel. The CR-24 is as much a psychological weapon as a tactical one. Seeing fellow soldiers immolated, taking perhaps one minute to die rather than the perceived quick and clean kill delivered by a blaster bolt has a profound effect on enemy morale. Inexperienced opponents will frequently surrender rather than face a horrific flaming death. Flechettes are pointed duranium projectiles fired en masse against infantry in areas where explosives or energy weapons would cause undesired damage to structures or facilities. Each shot releases 5000 flechettes, each capable of killing a human or similar-sized opponent. The flechette burst rapidly expands in a cone pattern capable of mowing down scores of advancing troops. Modern Stormtrooper armor is resistant, but not impervious to flechettes and offers only limited protection. Unarmored targets are typically shredded. While primarily an anti-infantry weapon, the Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Launcher is also capable of firing armor penetrating anti-vehicle ammunition capable of puncturing 10 centimeters of durasteel. The weapon holds four canisters in launch tubes, expending one full canister per shot. Once all canisters are expended, the weapon breaks open for easy reloading. Optimum range for the FC-1 is 100 meters, but the weapon is effective out to 250 meters. Despite the limited shot capacity, the FC-1 covers a great area with each firing, making it an ideal countermeasure for large groups of enemy infantry. Manufactured by the criminal Tenloss Syndicate, the DX6R Disruptor fires a highly energized particle beam that disintegrates the target at a molecular level. The disruptor beam is initially generated in similar fashion to a normal blaster bolt, using energized blaster gas. All similarities end there, however. Massive quantities of blaster gas are consumed with each shot, producing a volatile plasma that is further energized and focused into an extremely powerful beam that sunders subatomic bonds, reducing the target to ash. This illegal weapon is one of the few small arms capable of damaging even starship hulls, due to the nature of the disruption beam. The DX6R is limited to 10 shots before refilling the blaster gas cylinder, making this weapon unsuitable for prolonged firefights. Design refinements since the end of the Galactic Civil War have improved range to an impressive 300 meters. Disruptors have a slow rate of fire, and must cool off for several seconds between shots due to the extreme heat generated by each firing. This weapon is greatly feared and is illegal in most systems. Merely possessing a disruptor is enough to earn the death sentence in most jurisdictions. A direct hit will result in the complete disintegration of the target, an aspect favored by bounty hunters and assassins. Wounds from a disruptor are likewise feared as a glancing shot results in the loss of whatever tissue the beam encounters. Limbs and organs disintegrated by a disruptor beam cannot be regenerated with bacta. Cloned or prosthetic replacements are the only means of replacing what was lost. Bowcasters are the signature ranged weapon of Wookiees. First used around 4000 BBY, these fearsome weapons are capable of stopping most of Kashyyyk's predators, so the damage inflicted on smaller targets, such as an armored Stormtrooper, is devastating. Bowcasters are most effective within 30 meters, but are lethal out to 50 meters in the hands of a skilled warrior. The cocking mechanism requires immense strength to arm the weapon; usually too difficult a task for species smaller than Wookiees. Tremendous kinetic energy is released by the cocking mechanism, propelling the bolt into the magnetic acceleration field generated by the two polarizer orbs on each arm of the bowcaster. The extreme acceleration generates a plasma sheath around the bolt, which gives the projectile its distinctive green color. Like Ryyk Blades, Bowcasters are handcrafted by Wookiee warriors and are sources of great pride to their owners. Many are customized including various adornments and finishes. Some even have a backup blaster rifle installed beneath the main bowcaster barrel. This provides a necessary fallback given the bowcaster's limited 35 bolt capacity. Originally developed for big game hunting by the Stokhli nomads of Manress, the Stokhli Spray Stick is capable of incapacitating even the feared gundark. Bounty hunters and security personnel use these weapons for live capture of wanted individuals. The Stokhli Stick works by heating and then shooting a conductive mist that envelops the target. The spray stick delivers a stunning electrical charge to the target as the mist solidifies, incapacitating and binding them simultaneously. Subsequent shocks, if necessary, are deliverable via the stun pad at the weapon's base. After solidifying, the spraymist is resistant to solvents and will evaporate on its own after two hours. Spraymist is only manufactured by the Stokhli people of Manress so this weapon is very rare and expensive. Each spraymist cartridge can produce up to 800 meters of netting and the power cell is good for 10 shots. Optimum range is 100 meters with a 200 meter maximum. When facing assassin droids or targeting other automata, make short work of them with the Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse, or DEMP Gun. A selector switch allows the operator to choose from three levels of damage:
The weapon is capable of not only destroying equipment, but stunning organics also. Range is 3 to 120 meters. Engaging targets inside the 3 meter minimum range may cause dangerous feedback, rendering the weapon inoperable. Power cell explosion may occur in extreme cases, such as firing the weapon at point blank range. The Pacnorval Sg-82 Sonic Rifle fires blasts of high-intensity sound capable of shattering objects or subduing beings at short range. With enough energy for 20 shots and variable-intensity stun settings, this weapon is ideally suited for crowd control and non-lethal apprehension. Maximum range is 35 meters, although best results are obtained when firing upon targets within 15 meters. A pistol version, the Sd-77, is also popular with security forces. Full armored suits with enclosed helmets will resist, but not completely diminish the effects of sonic weapons. The Rodian Throwing Razor is equipped with a tiny repulsorlift generator for extended range. Some models have a remote recall capability, causing the weapon to return to its owner if it misses the target. These highly accurate weapons were first developed by Rodian weaponsmiths over 6000 years ago and remain popular today. The throwing razor's keen edge is capable of easily slicing through flesh and light armor. Some skilled users can even decapitate opponents with this device. Maximum effective range is 40 meters. Wrist Lasers, such as the Koromondain RLW-77, are commonly used by bounty hunters, spies, and others desiring a concealable alternative or a backup to more traditional weapons. Worn on the wrist as a gauntlet, these weapons fire a powerful laser with damage equivalent to a blaster rifle. Due to their small size, ammunition is limited to 15 shots at a range of 5 meters. The wrist lasers can also have an overload setting, which effectively turns this ranged weapon into a bomb. Blast radius and damage are similar to that of a standard grenade. |