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Input and Output

Part 2 - Input

Input is the method by which information is provided to the computer, as well as other electronic devices. There are many different types of devices for Input, and input is not necessarily just basecd on devices. Input can also be obtained from data and other more exotic methods.

Input Devices

The Keyboard is the most common type of input device. The keyboard takes in information in the form of numbers and letters. The numbers and letters are then translated into instructions that the computer must perform. The computer translates literally what is entered, so as many of you know, any typing mistakes usually result in an error. When choosing a keybaord, make sure your choice is based on comfort and required featcures. The keyboard is the device that you will use the most when completing any type of computing task.

The Mouse is the second most common type of input device. You use the mouse for basic navigation, selection, and drawing in the user environment. The mouse movements are translated into computer instructions in the form of motion and button selection. To start a mouse operation, simply move the mouse pointer on the screen until it is in the desired position and click the appropriate mouse button.

Joystick and other game controllers are another form of Input device that is common among gamers. These devices use various signals to interpret the motions. Older Joysticks used Analog signals, which were continuous, and provided angle changes, and lots of other information. Digital devices relied on On/Off signals in a number of different directions. In older systems, Digital devices were slower to respond, but as technology has improved, the Digital devices are now much more percies, and tend to have many more features. Some devices even provide Output through the use of Lights and Force Feedback to make the experience even more realistic.

Microphones are also an input device that take sounds and do something with them. Thata sound can be either Recorded, to a file, transmitted over the internet through chat programs, or Voice-over-IP - VoiP technology, or even processesd by Speech Recognition software to take the place of Keyboards and Mice.

Cameras are the final input device that will be discussed. Weather in the form of a digital camera that takes still pictures or movies, or a Web Cam that allows others to see you through instant messageing and video sharing software.

Less Common Input Devices

Above, the most common Input devices were provided. Yet there are many more, and some examples are listed below, with a quick description of their use

  • Scaner - used to take a digital copy of a picture or text and store it
  • Tablet & Puck - Sepcialized Board and Mouse Like Pointer used for precision. They are very common for use in Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing - CAD/CAM environments. They tend to be very expensive.
  • Tablet & Pen - Similar to above, but a pen device is used which has much less precision. They tends to be used in computer graphbics
  • Touch Screen - The screen of a monitor that is touch sensitive and records the location where you touched as if you clicked a mouse
  • Touch Pen - Similar to the touchscreen, except a pen device is used. The screnes for most PDA devices and Tablet PCs use this technology
  • Biometric Scaners - Used to take and even process Biometrick infromation. Like Fingerprint, Iris Patern, facial pattern, palm scanners, Retinal scaners, and Voice recognition

There are many many other devices and the list can go on forever.

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Input and Output