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Course Exam  

Processors And Memory

Part 2 - Inside the Processor

In this section, you will see the terms CPU (Central Processing Unit) and processor. These two terms are used interchangeably throughout the computer industry and for the purposes of this course, we will do the same.

For most beginners, terms like microcode efficiency and internal cache RAMcan sound like a foreign language. To help you pass this course and better understand things, we need to first address the basic and most common terms and their definitions.

We will start with the most important part of the computer. The Central Processing Unit. The CPU is referred to as the processor and can also be called the microprocessor, which essentially is the brain of the computer. It uses logic to perform mathematical operations that are used in the manipulation and handling of data.

The computer also contains what is called a Numeric Coprocessor. The coprocessor is a secondary processor that speeds up operations by taking over some of the main CPU's work. It typically performs mathematical calculations, freeing the CPU to tend to other tasks and operations.

The number of operations that a CPU can process in one second is referred to as the CPU speed. The internal speed of a CPU is called the Clock Cycles, which is measured in Megahertz (MHz). The faster the clock speed, the faster a computer can perform a specific operation. One Megahertz is equal to one million cycles per second.

The CPU handles data that is contained in instuctions that we give the computer. The largest number of bits that can be processed during one operation is called the Word Size. A step above that is the Data Path, which represents the largest number of instructions that can be transported into the CPU during one operation. This is where your Terms like 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit Processor or Computing comes from.

The CPU itself has what is called Internal Cache RAM. This is high speed memory that is located inside the processor chip.

CPU Internals

The Baisc Internals of most internal parts of Most of todays CPUs connsist of the following

CPU Block Diagram
  • Control Unit - This is is what takes the instructions, Interprest them, and decides how to handle themt.
    • It determines what all the other parts of the CPU do.
    • It is basically the Coordinator for everything that happens in the CPU.
    • It contains the instruction Registers, and program counter
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit - This is where all the clculations are actuall performed.
    • In the Arithmetic part, is where all the operations like ADD, Subtract, Multiply, Divide.
    • In the Logic part, is where numbers are Compared through functions such as Equal-to, Less-Than, greater-than, Not equal to
    • the CPU's General purpose Registers and Accumulator are also found here.
  • Memory Unit - This section is not actually part of the Processor itself (when talking about the actual CHIP). The parts that make up the Memory Unit are discussed in the Next Page, however, Briefly they are: ROM, and RAM.
  • Input - Basically where information is passed to the CPU. This is from devices like Keyboard, mice, etc.
  • Output - Basically where information is presented from the CPU. This is from devices like your Monitor, Printers, etc.
  • Storage - Where the information is kept and sttored. For the most part, it is connected to the Memory Unit. There are many levels and types of storage, some of which are parts of memmory.

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Processor and Memory  
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Input and Output